Asterisk Browser Pop-up Application for Windows

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I need a custom windows desktop application for browser pop-up for Asterisk phone system.
- the application will sit in window's system tray
- Connect to AMI on Asterisk server & wait for events
- "On call answer by my extension", do the following:
--- Play audio
--- Animate application icon to get the attention of the user
--- Launch a new browser instance (Chrome or Firefox) as the top-most window
--- Navigate to the predefined URL with parameters captured from AMI
--- wait for next call/event.

Input parameters in the application UI:
a. Asterisk server url (fetched from a static url as json array)
b. AMI username, password, port (fetched from a static url as json array)
c. User's extension - Manual User Input when the application is started.
d. Choice of browser: Chome / Firefox - Manual User Input when the application is started.

- standalone executable - no dlls, no other files.
- Complete source code

NOTE: If I've missed anything please ask


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Mini projet (50 - 250 €)

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Il y a 5 années


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Asterisk Browser Pop-up Application for Windows

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