
I came from a professionnal reconversion and was qulified by the Openclassrooms institute of the the title of web developer in June 2020.
I learnt the different side of the job and i'm able to work on front and back-end.
The langages studied are the HTML / CSS / Javascript / PHP / SQL and the frameworks of jQuery / Bootstrap. I learnt the POO (Programation Oriented Object) and the MVC schema (Model/View/Controler).
I followed an intership in a buisness to learn the job and learnt to use Symfony. I had to create an application from scratch and established the customer specifications. I used Material Workbench to deploy the database
Since I received my validation, I practiced on 2 Wordpress site and 1 Prestashop.
I worked on site, I had to use the functions.php file of the children-theme to inject some hooks filter and action to bring some missing translation of plugins and display the discount in percentage and value of products.
To finished I installed a plugin to offer a fidelity program to the user and another plugin to have the possibility to do an email campaign.
The second wordpress project was on, but it just consisted to deploy a new theme, install some plugin and hand over to the graphic designer.
About Prestashop I participated to, I had to integrate the interactive France map, debug the basket on mobile view and personnalize the selltickets module. I also had to configure the contact email with the smtp of mailjet.
I created a modul to display the Github commits from a repository by configuring it through the back-office of Prestashop 1.7 and ensure the compatibility of Prestashop 1.6 as well.
I provided hosting of my websites created along the formation on a Ubuntu virtual machine with a Apache service and learnt how to use the SSH access to deploy the SSL certificates for them.
All my websites are visible through my CV or my linkedIn account.
I'm looking for mission on full-remote or on presential.

Response time

Response rate
100 %

Last connection
1299 days

Experience level
Beginner  Help



Sainte-Catherine, France

I work remotely, I move



0/5 - No review


No creation.


No experience.


No education.


No review.

Vivien M.
Vivien M.

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