
I am Wehrling Martial, a passionate React developer with significant experience in creating responsive and user-friendly web applications. I recently developed a showcase website for an agency with a blog module and authentication system using React, Next.js, Tailwind, and Styled Components, as well as MongoDB for the database. I also worked on an ongoing project for a fast-food restaurant web application, with a feature for ordering and payment processing, using React and Styled Components.

I am proficient in using various React development frameworks and libraries, including React Native, Redux, and Material UI. My development process involves in-depth analysis of requirements, designing custom solutions for each project, implementing business logic, as well as ensuring code quality for optimal user experience.

I am also very comfortable working in a team, which enables me to communicate effectively with other team members while adapting to changes and new priorities. I am meticulous and rigorous in my work, allowing me to effectively resolve development challenges such as bugs and errors.

Finally, I am capable of managing my time and priorities effectively, allowing me to work on multiple projects simultaneously while meeting deadlines. If you are looking for a creative, passionate, and rigorous React developer, do not hesitate to contact me to discuss your projects.

Response time

Response rate
100 %

Last connection
633 days

Experience level
Beginner  Help



Plaisance-du-Touch, France

I move, I work remotely



0/5 - No review


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Martial W.
Martial W.

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