Approximately 69% of shopping carts are abandoned due to issues related to the user experience.
Increase your conversion rates with a responsive and 100% optimized e-commerce store without having to do it yourself!
My name is Audrey, and I’ve been an expert in WordPress website creation for 3 years. With a website that offers a perfect user experience, you will be able to...
Turn your visitors into loyal, repeat customers
Boost your visibility and search engine ranking
Strengthen your positive brand image and get people talking about you on social media
Stand out from your biggest competitors
If you’re interested in these results, here’s how I can help:
✔️ Quick and responsive website creation with WordPress ✔️ Showcase websites with Woocommerce ✔️ Mockup creation/integration with Framer and Figma ✔️ Website design and redesign with Elementor ✔️ Photo modifications with Adobe ✔️ Visual creation with Canva ✔️ Ongoing updates for the site and plugins ✔️ Website audit
My little extra: I pay great attention to detail, nothing escapes me. You’ll have a perfectly cohesive, smooth website that your customers won’t want to leave!
Excited to discuss your project with you!
Click on "Propose a project" and let’s get started!